About This Blog

I want to keep this introductory section brief.  I started this blog on December 14, 2011.  You can see the formal introduction to this blog here.  In many ways, this blog is far more academic than personal.  I realize that there are many blogs out there that are like personal journals - mine is not one of these.  One of the great things about making a blog is that you can make it anything you want it to be.  It is a fun way of exercising your creativity.  You can show the world as much or as little of you as you want.

I am an introverted individual.  I want to share my thoughts, not mundane details about my life.  I want this blog to be a place on the web where I can express my theological reflections to the world and interact with others about my theological views.  For this interaction to take place however, you need to leave comments!  I hope you enjoy browsing my blog.

The following is a map of present visitors to my blog.  You can see your own location on it.  Sometimes you may see the Pittsburgh area flashing on it - this is a good indication that I am working on my blog.

Copyright Information

Unfortunately, information on the web has been too often the subject of plagiarism. I do my best to give credit where it is due. I always attempt to contact the artist or photographer of every image I use on my blog, but sometimes for some reason or another this is not possible. If you happen to find your work on my blog and I do not have the proper attribution, please notify me via email (my address is in the About Me tab) and I will rectify the problem. Let me know if you have any concerns about your copyrighted material apart from attribution and if necessary, I will remove your material immediately.

Theological Fusions is licensed under a Creative Commons (CC) license (see the bottom of the blog for the license).  The content of my work may not be modified (except for images in this blog which have their own particular CC licenses) but may be used commercially. When reproducing information on this blog online, please provide a link to the specific page that is the source of the information you are replicating.  If you choose to reproduce information from this blog in a hard copy (paper, article, book, etc.), please cite the full URL of the specific source page.

What is CC? CC is a way of copyrighting your material in such a way that "some rights" are reserved as opposed to all rights. In other words, a person who obtains a CC license is opening up his or her work for wide use, especially online, under certain conditions. Some people who acquire a CC license allow modifications to their work, others do not. Some allow others to make financial profits by using their work, some do not. In all cases however, proper attribution is expected. For more information on CC, click here.  For a simple explanation of CC, click here.

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